Preparing for Pension/OPEB Year End Disclosures -- Why Do Auditors Ask for That?


Session Handout

Preparing for Pension/OPEB Year End Disclosures -- Why Do Auditors Ask for That? October 07, 2009 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM

It's late January, you are scrambling to complete the yearend measurements for your clients. The audit team starts asking questions about assumptions, interim events, methodologies. Are you going to have to revise your measurements? What could have been done to help the process go more smoothly? Why do you have to provide all this documentation?

This program features members of the Academy's Pension Accounting Committee, who explore the auditors' needs and expectations, the actuary's obligations in meeting those needs, and how to avoid some of the common pitfalls that cause difficulties at year-end.

Credits: EA Non-Core: 1.50 CPD: 1.50
  • 1 . John T Stokesbury
  • 2 . Jerrold Dubner PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP